CIA World Fact Book, volume I, by M. Kowalczyk Source files taken from the CIA World Fact Book web site: Sue me! I dare ya! 636 pages, 1.34 megabytes I confined the first volume to only include some countries that would be of interest to the United States because of economic, industrial, political, or strategic concerns. Folks may or may not agree (too bad) with the choices listed in this volume. I personally think there are good reasons for including each of the following nations: Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Colombia, European Union, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and the Ukraine. This volume contains the following sub-sections for each country: background, people, economy, industrial output, communications systems, transportion networks, additional economic data, military strength (by population), transnational issues, and illicit drug usage. Each topic and sub-topic can be easily accessed from the hyperlinks in the Table of Contents. I hope this eBook will prove useful as a reference tool. The next time you read a story in the news about one of these countries, you can quickly look up background information, demographics, political information, economic statistics, etc. Want to see something specific produced in Newton eBook format? Learn how to use one of the book publishing applications referenced in the Newton wiki. Or, send me a source file and a few dollars.